This is my magazine
Here is my final product. I´m really happy in how it turn out. With this project I really learn a lot by using different tools and a lot of creativity. I think the content of my magazine is very useful and it would really help a lot of people who are struggling towards a sport. Also the rest of the magazine has tips for golf players in like what to wear and healthy food to eat while playing so that you have more energy. My magazine served my target because it towards teenagers from 16-18.
This is my CCR. In this link is my video answering the four questions and also me talking a little bit about my magazine.This project was a journey that I really enjoy doing it. Thanks to this class I had the opportunity to learn how to do new things that are mainly used in this generation.
I choose to do a golf magazine because I´m a golf player and all the magazines that I have seen are for an older target audience so I thought that it would be really cool if my magazine target audience was toward the younger the generation which are the generation of the future. This magazine could bring more young teenagers into the sport and bring more attention to the younger players.